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Office Removals: Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Moving is always a challenge, but corporate removals can bring increased pressure as you attempt to cause as little disruption as possible to your business, and your staff. The key to a smooth corporate removal is to plan ahead and keep things simple; organisation will reduce stress and reduce the chances of your removal going wrong.Choosing an office – take your timeBefore you consider the removal process it is important to locate the perfect office. Although it is sometimes necessary to move on short notice, if you have the option of shopping for the right location then it’s a good idea to find somewhere that fits your business criteria. One consideration when choosing your office is its location. This is important for staff and clients, all of whom should be able to reach the office easily. This means that good public transport links and an easy access point are vital when searching for your new premises. It is also important that your office fits your business plans. If you are changing office as a means of expanding, ensure that the space is large enough to fit your projections; if you choose a location with limited expansion potential you may find your company moving again in a couple of years time.Finally, the price of the office should be considered based on your company budget. It can be tempting to overspent to get the biggest and the best, but this could lead to a reduction in the funds available for additional equipment or staff, making your move more difficult and hindering the growth of the company.Planning ahead – moving items across earlySome office owners will give you the option of moving your equipment over ahead of the final moving day. This is often the case if the offices have been unoccupied, and can allow for flexibility with moving dates.  Although it is unlikely that you will be able to move all of your office furniture over beforehand, the early removal of even a few items may reduce the stress of the move and help ensure a smooth transfer. If possible, it would also be highly beneficial to move staff over to the new premises before the final moving date, allowing the business to become established in its new settings before losing a previous office space. Reduce disruptionIt is vital to keep levels of disruption to a minimum during a corporate move. Disorganisation and lack of clarity can interfere with the everyday running of the business, which may have negative consequences if clients and customers experience poor service as a result. One method of reducing disruption is to ensure that all the relevant technology is in place before the move. This may include phone lines, internet connection or computer systems, all of which are vital to the successful running of many companies. If staff are able to log straight into their relevant systems upon arrival at the new office, clients are less likely to feel the effects of the move. On a similar note, it is also possible to inform suppliers of your office move before the final day arrives. Many suppliers will have a system in place to deal with client relocations, and the more notice you provide, the less likely you are to face a delay in the delivery of necessary products and services.